STA Task Groups - Get involved and help shape the future of emission monitoring

Over the past 29 years the STA and our members have shaped the way emission monitoring is carried out not only in the UK but also worldwide, this has been managed by the STA task groups. Our health and safety task group was initially set up in 1996 and is our longest running task group, closely followed by the Quality and Technical task group. Over the year’s we have added to the groups to include Process Operators, Equipment Suppliers, Small Business and the three newest task groups, Low Particulate Monitoring (LPM), HCL and 14181 task groups, the aim of each of these groups is to identify and address challenges and potential issues. The participation and contributions from our members who represent all sectors of our industry and the regulators from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland is invaluable and helps drive and shape the way of our industry.

Health & Safety task group

The safety of those undertaking stack emission monitoring has always been a driving force within the Source Testing Association and the Health and Safety Task Group is the focus of this work. Since its inception those involved in this group have strived to produce guidance to the industry on safe working practices and the implementation of safety legislation.

Quality and Technical task group

The Quality and Technical task group specifically addresses those issues relating to improving the value and reliability of the results we provide to our customers as stack testers. The topics routinely discussed include proficiency testing (PT) schemes, relevant CEN standards and EA method implementation documents,

Process Operators task group

The Process Operators Task Group generally meet three times a year in conjunction with the other groups to review developments in legislation and standards and to share practical experience of continuous monitoring, quality assurance and related issues, such as permitting and reporting.

Equipment suppliers task group

Representing the manufacturers and distributors of particulate and gas CEMs, portable instrumentation, sampling equipment and calibration gas suppliers, the group focuses on being a focal point on regulatory, certification and standards issues relevant to emissions monitoring with particular focus on technical issues.

Small business task group

Small businesses are innovative, enterprising and flexible. According to the Federation of Small Businesses they account for 51% of private sector turnover, 59% of the private sector work force and 60% of all commercial innovations.

EN14181 task group

This group representing, process operators, regulators, test houses, suppliers of CEMs and consultants is focused on developing additional practical guidance and work protocols. The intention is to build on the pragmatic UK approach to EN-14181, the task group has been focusing on:

Low Particulate Task group

The LPM task group has been set up to investigate measurement techniques at low particulate concentrations including non-isokinetic. The TG has been looking at monitoring technologies and the application of EN 13284-1 with respect to low level concentrations as well as current instrumental and future technologies.

HCL Task Group

The HCL task group was set up for Equipment Suppliers, Process operators, Test House’s and regulators to discuss the topic of failures of QAL2 and AST failures relating especially to HCl and SO2. The group has also discussed the following and have created industry guidance on the subject:

If you are interested in getting involved with shaping the way of emission monitoring for the future, visit our website or contact us at