We are delighted to invite you to the STA’s 30th anniversary celebration, taking place on 24th June. The event will include our General Meeting and AGM, followed by an evening of celebration, beginning with drinks at 18:00, a sit-down dinner, and entertainment.
The event will be held at the Broadway Hotel, Letchworth (website). If you require accommodation, you can book a room directly with the hotel (please note there is no corporate rate, as prices are already competitive). Alternatively, the Premier Inn is just a short walk away, while the Travelodge and Letchworth Hall Hotel (website) are a short taxi ride from the venue.
As discussed, we will be hosting an evening meal at a cost of £40 per person, please click here booking form.
Additionally, we are offering tabletop exhibition spaces for £350, which include one evening meal ticket.
We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you!
Chairs Introduction
Welcome to the STA’s Website. We hope you find the guide useful and informative whether you are new to the industry or have been with us for years.
2022 finds us all both personally and professionally making our way in the new normal. COVID is still with us and still impacting many lives and businesses but we are learning to live alongside it. The situation in Ukraine has understandably taken over the headlines and whilst we find the personal tragedy this brings to those affected difficult to process, we are also dealing with the economic and business impact of the conflict which is far reaching.
Task Groups & Meetings
Over the past 29 years the STA and our members have shaped the way emission monitoring is carried out not only in the UK but also worldwide, this has been managed by the STA task groups. Our health and safety task group was initially set up in 1996 and is our longest running task group, closely followed by the Quality and Technical task group. Over the year’s we have added to the groups to include Process Operators, Equipment Suppliers, Small Business and the three newest task groups, Low Particulate Monitoring (LPM), HCL and 14181 task groups, the aim of each of these groups is to identify and address challenges and potential issues. The participation and contributions from our members who represent all sectors of our industry and the regulators from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland is invaluable and helps drive and shape the way of our industry..
Annual Guide
Each year the we produced the STA annual guide, the guide is published every November and is circulated to 15000 readers. Along with technical articles, a directory for published standards relating to the world of emission monitoring, we also publish a directory of our members highlighting the areas they work in with easy to use tables.
Yellow Book
There are many hazards associated with carrying out a stack-emissions test in process industry. The basic principles of good health and safety practice must be applied. The STA is committed in providing best practice advise and guidance to its members, their clients and industry in general.